TheoEco documents and brings to light ecological and human rights struggles, while researching the economic and theological entanglements that influence them. |
A new feature length documentary for release in Feb. 2025.
For more click here. |
TheoEco's Mission
DOCUMENTTo record what is happening in the areas TheoEco finds itself, and to tell the unique stories from those places.
RESEARCHTo help inform what is not obvious about how economics, the environment, and theology are intertwined.
ASSISTTo help those that we meet along the way, both by our own means and in conjunction with other ventures that support TheoEco’s mission and causes.
PILES OF BRICKS (REVISITED)This follow-up to our 2016 feature-length documentary, Piles of Bricks, shines light on the rebuilding efforts following Nepal's devastating earthquake in April 2015.
Premiere streaming event from Kathmandu held on April 25, 2020. For more click here. |
NEPAL MINI-DOCSOur short documentaries/videos about Nepal, from the original building blocks for Piles of Bricks and The Flourishing Kathmandu Church to a Christmas greeting from our Nepali Christian friends.
THE FLOURISHING KATHMANDU CHURCHThe Flourishing Kathmandu Church takes you to Nepal to see how the Christians there do it: pray, live, survive, and even thrive in a part of the world dominated by Hindus and Buddhists.
SO FLO FLOODSPremiered June 16th, 2019 on Miami Beach
So Flo Floods, a feature-length documentary, tells the story of flooding in South Florida—flooding that has happened in the past, is happening now, and will continue to happen in the future. For more information click here. |