Go with TheoEco to NepalThere are two basic options:
Whichever way make it you can take advantage of our awesome travel agent who can arrange just about anything, provide fantastic prices and discounts, all while generating a few rupees to TheoEco and its partners in Nepal. DATES
PRICEThe trek costs $595 per week and includes:
Read More: Join Us to Nepal FAQ'sNot sure what to expect? Read our Nepal FAQ's

- Those that want to experience Nepal
- Those that want to partner, assist, and work with any or all of the following:
- Educational efforts for children in Nepali villages at risk of trafficking
- The Christians in Nepal
- The National Theological College
- High-school and college-aged volunteers seeking service experience abroad
- Those looking for experience shooting documentaries
- Those looking to play and record with the best Christian musicians in Kathmandu with the Jubal Music Ministry
- Those with funds for those featured in TheoEco’s documentaries looking to do due diligence
- Those with an adventurous streak
- Those on vacation that want to serve as well as enjoy one of the most extraordinary places in the world

- Share your skills for projects – Construction, computers, video production, etc.
- Cover the costs and sponsor awareness programs and documentary shoots
- Gifts – Computers, beds, vehicles, clothes, monetary donations, etc.
- Teach a class or seminar
- Get to know the individuals and organizations we work with in Nepal for future backing and support
- Fellowship with the Christians in Nepal
- Support the Nepali economy with your dollars
Nepal Excursions
Please note that the cost of excursions is additional.
Many excursions are free (e.g. visits to churches, villages, National Theological College, and others) but may require a cost for transportation, while some excursions have a cost independent of transportation (e.g. tours, spas, and others).
See All Excursions
Many excursions are free (e.g. visits to churches, villages, National Theological College, and others) but may require a cost for transportation, while some excursions have a cost independent of transportation (e.g. tours, spas, and others).
See All Excursions

- Treks to and explore Kathmandu https://www.theoeco.org/range-of-damage
- Kathmandu Valley villages: Gurkha, Lele, and others https://www.theoeco.org/villages
- Trek to Poon Hill in the Annapurna range from Pokhara https://sightdoing.net/ghorepani-poon-hill-trek-nepal/
- Work with the Anglican and broader Christian, Buddhist, and Hindu communities through TheoEco, Garima Nepal, and others https://www.theoeco.org/flourishing-church/
- Work with Anti-Human Trafficking activities and documentary https://vimeo.com/252906077
- 2015 Earthquake Recovery study and documentary for the quake’s 5th anniversary https://www.theoeco.org/patan-lalitpur
- Play and record with Nepali Christian musicians https://www.theoeco.org/sunday-school-on-saturday
- Participate and sponsor climate change documentary regarding Nepal’s Water

We’ll also visit many of those places featured in TheoEco’s documentaries, see many of the places featured (time permitting--all tours are different) in our documentaries including:
We’ll also visit many of those places featured in TheoEco’s documentaries, see many of the places featured (time permitting--all tours are different) in our documentaries including:
- Kathmandu Valley
- Lele Village
- Harisiddhi Village
- Gorkha Region
- Godawari
- Nazarene Church and Children's Home
- National Theological College
- Golgotha Church
- Patan Durbar Square and Golden Temple
- Other walking tours
- Visits to hard-hit earthquake areas within Kathmandu
- Shopping and spa excursions
- Theological encounters with Anglicans, Baptist, Presbyterians, Buddhists, Hindus, Methodists, Pentecostals, Roman Catholics
- Yoga, Healing Bowl, and Meditation sessions